In this blog, we will explain how to get the product collection by using a factory method into a magento 2 block file.

Several types of product collection like collection, filter, sorting, etc.

Filter Product Collection:

Greater than

Greater than or Equal To

Less than

Less than or Equal To

Is equal to

Is not equal to


Not Like

In Array

Not In Array



Sort Product Collection

Order by Ascending

Order by Descending

Limit Product Collection


Limit with current page


Collection Query Print

That’s it.

I hope you understand our blog and if you still have any problems you can let us know in the comments section.

Thank you!


CynoInfotech was founded in 2019, in Ahmedabad, Gujrat. we have a trusted Web Development and Design Company that helps businesses in streamlining their operations through Magento 2 Extension and advanced modern technology solutions.

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